As we all know, Santa will do whatever it takes to deliver presents to every single person on his “nice” list. And apparently, this includes booking not one but two train rides on America’s most iconic lines.
Santa is planning a pre-Christmas trip on The Broadmoor Manitou & Pikes Peak Cog Railway in Colorado, the highest cog railway in the world. He will indeed stay on board to travel to Pikes Peak, which sits at an astonishing 14,115 feet in elevation. (Don’t worry too much for him; after all, he’s used to flying through the air with a bunch of reindeer in an open-air sleigh.) Like all travelers on the train, he’s likely looking forward to the awe-inspiring view from the top, which is easily taken in through the vintage train’s massive picture windows.
This ride will take place on Nov. 24 to 26 and again on Dec. 2 to 3, 9 to 10, and 16-24. And, according to a statement from the train line, “Word has it there will be elves passing out hot chocolate and cookies prior to the red cog trains ascending Pike’s Peak.”
This train ride is available for reservations at $58.50 for adults and $48.50 for children (12 and under). Tickets can be reserved at Please remember that rides are weather-dependent, so check ahead before leaving for your trip.
However, you do have one more way to spend time with Santa on the rails this holiday season, and that’s with The Grand Canyon Railway & Hotel’s Polar Express.
Courtesy of The Broadmoor Manitou & Pikes Peak Cog Railway
The famed train is back starting Nov. 10 through Dec. 30, with 90-minute train rides running from Williams, Arizona, to the “North Pole” almost every night at 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. local time.
On board, guests can expect a full-on holiday display that will delight both kids and kids at heart. Everyone is welcome to listen in on the reading of the children’s book The Polar Express, written by Chris Van Allsburg, which inspired the journey. There will also be holiday sing-alongs, cookies, and hot chocolate for all. And, of course, time with the big man in red.
Those who want to keep the good times going can book Grand Canyon Railway’s Polar Express Package, which includes overnight accommodations for after the ride. And those who want to make it a super special experience for their friends and family can even charter their own Polar Express ride.
Polar Express departures Sunday through Thursday begin at $58 for adults and $39 for children (ages 2 to 15). Tickets for Friday and Saturday departures begin at $70 for adults and $53 for children. The Christmas Eve Limited on December 24 is $97 for adults and $67 for children. Get your letter to Santa ready and make reservations as early as possible at